Ugly, Ugly, Ugly
Where did that ugly utility box come from? It wasn't there last month. It's soooooo ugly!
Actually, it was there
last month. As was the electric meter, irrigation controller, and your, um,
neighbor. Unfortunately, as leaves drop all that is left is the bone
structure of deciduous plants and some eyesores we may not have noticed in the
warmer months.
Fear not, here are some excellent solutions to consider:

Evergreens - Plants such
as Skip Laurels, Hollies and Arborvitaes offer year round beauty, seasonal
interest and potential backdrops to shrubs and perennials. There are a lot of
variety of plants to choose from.
Trellises - Adding an element such as a trellis can not only hide
something you don't want to see, but can also become a point of interest in
your garden. Always try to match the architectural style of your home.
With a little imagination, screening can be both functional and attractive.
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