No, it did not take us thirty years to create this new landscape. Nor did it take thirty years for our client to get around to changing their landscape. The catalyst for this landscape conversion was to celebrate our client's thirty year wedding anniversary, and Allentuck Landscaping Co. was very honored to play a part in the celebration.
Our client wanted to create a more contemporary look to their home including more attractive curb appeal, a safer and more accessible front entrance, a terrace to enjoy with family and friends, and a garden path to connect the front and rear of the property.
To accomplish this, a cedar wood deck landing was added to the front entry area and the existing flagstone walkway was re-set properly. The plantings in the front yard, a combination of Deutzia, Japanese Forest Grass and Sarcococca, added to making the front of the home a welcome site after a long day at work.
A large flagstone terrace was added to the rear of the house with areas set aside for enjoying a fire pit, sitting in lounge chairs, and enjoying a cozy dinner. Pressure treated timbers were used to retain the slope and flat stone boulder steps were installed linking the front gardens to the rear gardens. To compliment this great new area, a stunning Natchez Crape Myrtle was installed along with Japanese Plum Yews, Camellias and Sargent Junipers.
The best part? Allentuck Landscaping Co. completed the project by the deadline, a week before the client's anniversary party! And the client's reaction: "We love it!"
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