It rained. It hailed. There were wild temperature swings. But that wasn’t enough to stop the Allentuck Landscaping crew from their mission; give Fisher House at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland a new look.
Fisher House provides a home away from home to to injured soldiers and their families while they are receiving treatment at the center. Their vital mission is to provide families a peaceful place to heal together. To find out more about Fisher House, go to or view a great video at

Allentuck Landscaping Co. gutted the existing landscape and installed over 60 shrubs, 415 perennials and ground covers, and 10 tons of stone. The five crews on site were each assigned areas of responsibility; David Chavez’s crew applied their artistic touch to building a 48’ foot long stone wall in front of Building A, Hector Solano’s crew planted the front of Building B, and Melvin Castillo’s crew took the task of making the central park look amazing.
In just over eight hours, the landscape around Fisher House had morphed into a beautiful and tranquil setting that we hope our
recovering soldiers and their families can relax in and enjoy. The day was capped off with a visit from the base commander, Admiral Nathan, and the presentation of a commemorative coin and Naval Medical Center hats for everyone.

Thank you to our suppliers who donated their materials and made the day possible; Season’s Nursery, Country Springs Wholesale Nursery, Ernest Maier Block Co., Liberty Gas and John Deere Landscapes. A very special thank-you to Fisher House for allowing Allentuck Landscaping Co. the opportunity to help America’s heroes.

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