The Race Is On!
A nip in the air, longer nights, cooler all means one thing - leaf removal time.
At Allentuck Landscaping Co. the race is on to get our maintenance client's leaves cleared for the upcoming holidays. We have tuned up our blowers and vacuums and double checked our rakes.
To maximize efficiency, our crews collect the leaves into large piles and then move them to our tow behind vacuums where they are sucked up and into the waiting trucks. But our efficiency does not stop there.
Once the leaves arrive back at our office, they are stockpiled until later in the winter and then ground up into organic leafmold. We use the leafmold throughout the year to mix into garden beds thus creating healthy landscapes. Nothing goes to waste.
In a typical year we grind up 5,400 cubic yards of organic waste, enough to cover an entire football field three feet deep!
Allentuck Landscaping Co. only offers leaf removal as part of our TotalScape and BedScape maintenance programs. If you would like a free quote, please call Eric Shostal at 301-515-1900 or email him at